1·To undertake the review and verification of projects of the safety technology renovation of key coal mines and the comprehensive gas control and utilization.
2·The core asset library is the most important component of software product line; it evolves esponded to organization business, origination object, technology renovation and time.
3·Finally, with the practice of technology renovation project in Jigang Group, the lean project management notion is applied successfully in the technology renovation project in steel company.
4·In 1992, it is the information technology of company system has 4 big technical renovation.
5·The test and application experience of inserted bar anchorage technology in water tank consolidation and renovation is introduced in conformity with the project example.
6·The technology of strength testing for masonry construction on site plays an important role in the quality control, building renovation and assessment of strengthening feasibility plan.
7·In consideration of both process technology and economic technology, this renovation plan is realistic and feasible.
8·This technology can be used for reference and guidance in the design of dry ash system or renovation of ash equipment of old power plants.
9·The software radio technology' s appearance brings the renovation of wireless receiver.
10·With the continuous renovation of the electricity technology, the management of electric enterprises, especially the management of the electric equipment will face heavier challenge than before.